Create and Send your very own personalized greeting card to loyal customers, friends or family.
Create a Communal greeting Card and show it live on Swazilive

To create your card, check the radio button alongside the appropriate image below. Once you have done this,
enter your personalised message and your contact details for confirmation.

Wishing you a wonderful festive season!
The Team at Swazilive.swazilive xmas wishes

To View Communal Greetings Click Here

Choose Your Greeting Card's Format

Choose Your Greeting Card's Background

Greeting Card's Left Top Picture

Greeting Card's Left Bottom Picture

Greeting Card's Decorative Lines above and below text

Enter Your Greeting Card's Text

Below will not be shown on the greeting, but are needed to confirm.

Please let us know if the Greeting is :
Personal (Only to be sent to the email address you enter below)
Communal (Shown on the Swazilive Site and sent to the email address you enter below)

Click to confirm you would like us to send an email with your Seasons Greetings to the address below.
(Not necessary for Communal Season Greetings)